This week Mrs. Stumbler prepared some American style chili stew for our Korean friends CH and HS (their baby ES did not eat any). It was a success, I must say. HS and I ate two full bowls each, not to mention rice, salad, and bread. We topped off the evening with a peanut butter pie which Mrs. Stumbler made, and also introduced them a fun-packed game of Yahtzee. Here are all the girls before dinner:
Unfortunately, I was too busy eating to take a photo of the chili. But there is some left over in the freezer; when I thaw it out to eat next time I'll post a photo of it. Speaking of food, Mrs. Stumbler has taken most excellent care of my food needs this trip. First of all, she found some great bags of frozen meats at the Costco that I can store in my freezer and eat as needed. For example, I now have one bag of frozen Salmon steaks, and another bag of frozen chicken breasts. Until now, I have only been able to find fresh meats like this, and was too lazy to freeze them myself. We have eaten similar food in the USA from Costo or Sam's Club, and they really are good.
Seconly, Mrs. Stumbler brought a few key indgredients from home to cook a few delicious American meals. The first one was enchilada casserole. That one was real tasty, and lit our tongues on fire because of the spicy peppers she found in my refrigerator to use! That dish was so popular there was none to freeze. But when she made the chili, I have one huge pot full that is now in the freezer. And tonight, we had a variation on normal chili stew, "white chicken chili". It, too, was delicious and spicy, again thanks to this jar of peppers. Now I have one more huge pot of chili in the freezer. I will be well stocked for food now, whenever I have a craving for a western meal.
During their visit, Mrs. Stumbler has introduced me to the English-language church service right across the sidewalk from my apartment building. This Sunday, as usual, YS#4 was running way ahead of us as we walked to church. When we entered the building, YS#4 had already made a new friend! HR is about 6 months younger the YS#4, and they hit it off immediately. Sunday afternoon they sat in church together, went to Sunday School together, then after went to lunch and played together all afternoon! Today HR and her mother came over this afternoon so the girls could play together again. They have exchanged email addresses, and promise to keep in touch. HR speaks english very well, and the two girls don't seem to have any trouble communicating.