Ringleader 1.2 Released
Kamis, 30 September 2010
I have just published Ringleader 1.2 to the Market and there are quite a few changes...
- You can now define multiple ringtone associations for applications like Gmail, Contacts, Alarms.
- I have added a ton of volume / vibration controls.
- Added the ability to remove ringtone associations.
- Bug fixes (hopefully gets rid of a lot of the force-close issues that have been reported)
- Ability to add ringtone descriptions (helpful for apps with multiple ringtones)
Please let me know your experiences with this new version!
Also, if you run into any issues... You may want to try clearing your application data, deleting the "RingLeader" folder from your SD card, and then rebooting your phone. I have made a lot of changes, so if you are experiencing force-close issues you should consider doing this.-Andy
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