The Perfect ASCII Chart

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 27 Juni 2013 0 komentar

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Unlimited Keys, Coins, Upgrades in Subway Surfers

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Download the modified addition of Subway Surfers for Android. It contains unlimited keys as well as coins for your fun.

It is just like a hacked game! 

• Unlimited Keys
• Unlimited Coins
• Full upgrades of Powerups in the shop
• Doubled Coins Enabled (If you collect 1 coin you get 2)
• New outfits of the characters

Screenshots :

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13 Android Tips and Tricks You Must Know

Posted by Unknown Senin, 24 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Unless you're a geek, there's probably a lot of stuff you don't yet know about Android smartphones. And even if you are one, there might still be a thing or two to learn about the world's most popular mobile OS – things like how to make Google Maps available offline, how to manage an Android smartphone remotely, and how to track the whereabouts of a missing or lost handset, to name a few. Regardless of how knowledgeable you are about Android and its peculiarities, checking out our list of Android tips and tricks would be a good idea. Let us know in case you've learned something new and don't hesitate to share some of your Android experience with us all down in the comments!

1. Monitor what's using your data

Chances are that your smartphone is almost always connected to the internet, be it over Wi-Fi or 3G/4G. Do you know what apps consume most of that data? If not, then try Android's built-in data usage monitor, available from the Settings menu, or just get an app for the job – Onavo Count or Traffic Monitor Plus. Keep an eye out for data-hogging apps.

2. Keep your storage space clean and tidy

It seems like the on-board storage space on smartphones is never enough. That's why moving your stuff – music, videos, apps – onto a microSD card is a good idea. Also, try to get rid of apps and games that you don't use since these occupy space as well. Just go to Settings > Apps and uninstall whatever software isn't needed. To get a better idea as to what files and folders really take up the most storage space, get DiskUsage from the Play Store. It represents visually each folder with a rectangle – the bigger the rectangle, the more space it occupies. Then just move or delete all the stuff you don't need using a file manager. ES File Explorer is one we'd recommend.

NOTE: Don't delete any files or folders unless you're absolutely sure they aren't in use by an app or the operating system!

3. Monitor what apps are loaded and running
When a smartphone is turned on, it loads a whole bunch of apps and services that run in the background. Most (if not all) of these are harmless, but others just sit there, taking up memory and keeping the CPU busy. Autorun Manager is one of the apps that can show you what software is loaded on start-up and what's running on your device. Feel free to disable or uninstall apps that you don't need.

4. Avoid suspicious ad-supported apps

We have nothing against ad-supported software, but some apps take that concept to the extreme, with ads being displayed on the notification bar. Some even add links to shady search engines to your home screen and suspicious bookmarks to the browser. These apps should be avoided since their ads consume data and battery life, not to mention that they might put your private information at risk. To see what ad-supported apps you have installed on your Android device, give Lookout Ad Network Detector a try.

5. Monitor apps' battery usage

There is a built-in battery monitoring tool in the Android operating system, accessible by going to Settings > Battery. Keep an eye out for apps that consume excessive amounts of power without being used that often.

6. Make parts of Google Maps available offline

In case you use Google Maps on a regular basis, you might want to save frequently viewed areas for offline use. That will save you data whenever Wi-Fi isn't available. To do that, open the menu in Google Maps, tap on "Make Avaliable Offline" and select the area you want to cache onto your device. Note that saved areas may be up to 100MB in size.

7. Monitor the permissions of installed apps

Do you know what kind of information your apps have access to? If not, Clueful Privacy Advisor is the app you should consider downloading. It scans your Android device for suspicious apps, including apps that may leak your passwords, phone number, and other sensitive data.

8. Know how to track a lost or stolen phone

In case you have not heard of these already, there are Android apps capable of tracking a lost or missing smartphone – apps like Lookout, which is also a good anti-virus tool, and Where's My Droid. Just make sure you have these installed and configured before actually losing your phone.

9. Automate your phone

Your phone is smart enough to mute itself while you're at work, to turn the Wi-Fi and 3G off at night, and to do all kinds of stuff automatically. you just need the right app for that – an app like AutomateIt, Tasker, or Phone Schedule, to name a few.

10. Try an alternative virtual keyboard

Not entirely happy with your smartphone's on-screen keyboard? Well, there's plenty of alternatives to try, including SwiftKey, TouchPal, Swype, and many more.

11. Get an SMS counter

Obviously, this tip is for people who don't have unlimited text messages included in their monthly plan. To them we recommend trying the SMS Counter app, which will keep count of both incoming and outgoing text messages.

12. Take over your notification light

In case you have a notification light on your phone, you may customize the alerts it displays using the Light Flow app. And in case you don't have one, make your camera's LED light flash at specific events with the Flash Notification app.

13. Cut the wires

There's this neat application called AirDroid, allowing one to manage their Android smartphone from a computer over Wi-Fi or 3G/4G connection. In other words, with this app you can access your phone from a PC and then copy files from and onto your smartphone, send text messages, install or uninstall apps, view photos, music, video files, and much more.

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Android Hello World Example

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 19 Juni 2013 0 komentar

1.Android SDK
3.Java Platform

Lets Begin

Create a new Android project (File->New->Android Application).
Then add
Project Name : d
Build Target:4.0
Application Name:d_test
Package Name:com.d
Activity Name:D_Activity

click on finish button on bottom.

Now you have your project created in workspace.
The src folder in project contains the java class file and the res->layout folder contains a main.xml.
Now Create a Android Virtual Device (Window->AVD Manager->New)
Then add
SDCard Size: 512mb then click on create Avd button will take some time to create a new AVD.

lets run the new app ,
right click on your project  ->Run As Android application and select your new AVD.
Now at the end you can see the following result
Now, are able to create a hello world android application.

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Defcon 2013 3dub - 1, 2 and 4. Web WriteUp

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 16 Juni 2013 0 komentar

DefCon 2013 3dub - Web based challenges.

This is the first time 'm writing Wiriteup for any ctf [practice].  So please bare with it :D

3dub - 1

What ever name to enter in the username field will be accepted and you be logged in with that name.
After logging in you will get a message that LOGIN as admin.

but if give "admin" in the username field , You will get a message saying admin login disabled.

But for every login with different usernames the cookies where changing.

Observation -->
username  cookie 

a - 09
b - 0a
ab - 09ce
ba - 0acd
abc - 09cd29
aaaaaa - 09cd2994af
its just a hex based addition with the base "aaaaa". But no need to do the hex addition also.
get cookie for 
admi - 09c8259c
aaaan- 09cd2994a0

=> admin - 09c8259ca0

save cookie and refresh, you get the key.
the key is The key is: who wants oatmeal raisin anyways twumpAdby

Easiest challenge in DefCon 2013.

3dub - 2

Login page.

Obviously tried SQL injection first. WORKED!
but i could login as root but no use because no key.

Tried analysis the GET and POST requests in ZAP.
X-SQL : SELECT name FROM users WHERE name ='   ' and pasword='   ' limit 1;

waste time crafting requests wrt to MySQL.
I could login as root and anynumber from 0 yo +Inf :D

Afterwards i found it was SQLite. The done -

  • asd'OR'1'='1' UNION SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table"--I logged in as keys.
  • asd'OR'1'='1' UNION SELECT name FROM keys --
got the key-
logged in as The key is: literally online lolling on line WucGesJi

3dub - 4

Was a easy one but wasted more than 6 hours in this still managed NOT to get the key. Like a BOSS XD

File name and the access code..
it opened for usernmaes.txt with accesscode - 60635c6862d44e8ac17dc5e144c66539.
But no access fro passwords.txt with the same accesscode.

Found that accesscode=md5(filename)

Opened the passwords.txt i was shocked to see everything was SHA-512/SALT hashing.
Thought i would move on to next one than decrypting these passwords.
But that would be lame to hash to that extent. That was a distraction. :p

Time to brute force the filename. Found
key.txt with accesscode - 65c2a527098e1f7747eec58e1925b453

Content of key.txt-
By looking at the content of key.txt it was base64. Decoded with online base64 deocder. Got invalid ascii code not the key!

content of key.txt was changing with time. Suspected functions - time() and rand().
Major time waste here.

Afterwards i gave the getfile.php which was helping us to opne the file.
getfile.php with accesscode- 0701593e23e676eaba834916a6ac7272.

Contents of getfile.php-

Acces granted to getfile.php!

$value = time();
$filename = $_GET["filename"];
$accesscode = $_GET["accesscode"];
if (md5($filename) == $accesscode){
echo "Acces granted to $filename!

if (in_array($filename, array('getfile.php', 'index.html', 'key.txt', 'login.php', 'passwords.txt', 'usernames.txt'))==TRUE){
$data = file_get_contents($filename);
if ($data !== FALSE) {
if ($filename == "key.txt") {
$key = rand();
$cyphertext = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $data, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
echo base64_encode($cyphertext);
echo nl2br($data);

echo "File does not exist";
echo "File does not exist";

echo "Invalid access code";

***k it! 'm going to sleep. But i dint. Because I have wasted a lot of time on this..
This needed a Brute force. No way for manually doing that.

Brute force script in PHP -
for ($key = 0; $key <= getrandmax(); $key++) 

$text="5HHOwWMXYH5UxvzIzxqMY3vuwyCJ5BVdzwm5puqduZrsPTxfsFNKXXMlwhZj5W/1o  Sv3ENrCpbIMF9cJQ5Gndg==";

$data=mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, base64_decode($text),           MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);

echo $data;
echo "<br>";

Dump of brute force.

Search for the string with starting "the key is".
No match found. No idea WHY?

Waiting for other Writeups from pros to find my mistake.

Any suggestions, please comment.

Update on 18-06-2013-->

With the help of the comment by Célestin Perdu got to know where i had missed the point.

You can use ZAP or Burp Suite anything. Get the date and time of the response, convert it to linux timestamp.

$ date -d "which you got from the tool" +% s

Use this value as key. And you should get the flag.

Thanks for reading. Suggestion and comments welcomed!

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InCTF'13 [Amrita Cyber Security]

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 12 Juni 2013 0 komentar

National level Capture the flag contest targeting only for Undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level students.

This CTF is meant just for learning and getting more good teams from India into world finals in CTF contest.
FYI: CTF means capture the flag.

I would recommend any one interested in computer's to give this CTF a try. They teach you through the process. But yeah! HARD WORK is expected from you. And you should have some programming knowledge. Doesn't matter from which branch/stream of specialisation you are doing. Don't think its meant only for geeks from computer science branch. I'm from Electronics and Communication background still took a respectable position in InCTF'13 --> second position. Even if you are from mechanical background still fascinated about these computer stuff. Then go ahead start off with InCTF.

As i have said earlier InCTF aims more on learning.
This is how InCTF works->

1st round -

  • Purely meant for learning.
  • Designed smartly by the admins/organisers of InCTF, to divide the work between the team members. Everyone can't be good in everything so you got to stick the topics which you choose to take in this round. And become good at it.
  • Topics- Basics of Linux, SQL [ Web Based ], secure programming, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography.
This round is not mandatory but I STRONGLY RECOMMEND to take this round seriously and use it to learn. Because the organisers are ready to help to any time during 1st round.

The tool needed to finish this round successfully is GOOGLE.

2nd round - Jeopardy type.

Qualification round for National level finals i.e main CTF game.

This time they gave us 1 week time duration UNLIKE other CTF's which has 1-2days.
This round is damn interesting because for noobs like US, we need to learn and then use that knowledge to complete the tasks. So utilized this round also for learning.

I saw that many teams where giving up because they had NO CLUE about how to even look at the tasks. Even when we opened the task, we were BLANK. But according to me what you need is just PATIENCE and DETERMINATION. That's all, you can solve 80% of tasks in all categories. What you need is just patience and determination. Any time you can walk into their IRC and query them if you are on your right path for solving a particular task or not.

3rd round - Capture the flag

Time to implement! Time to test what you have learnt!

1st day you will have a mock round, which gives an idea about what to do the next day. Basically aimed at not wasting the time on the contest day. Every minute matters in the finals.

Basically you will have to exploit the different types of services to get the flag.

Your team will be scored/valued on your

  1. Defence - your patching work.
  2. Offence - exploiting other team services and submitting their precious flags :p
  3. Ethical - reporting advisories.
That's all about InCTF.

We participated with the team name r00t. 
Team members-
  • y0g1337h - Yogeesh Seralthan,
  • vn4v1n - Movnavinothan V &
  • x7r0n - Adithya Naresh.
1st round we divided the work and learnt.
2nd round. LANing up is very important. We LANed up in our college hostel [ Amrita School of Engineering ] :p
3rd round. We had awesome fun exploiting services, patching them, and reporting the vulnerabilities.

Thanks for organising such a awesome event -
Arvind S Raj, Seshagiri Prabhu, Bithin Alangot.
They represent the team bi0s. One of the 1337 team in INDIA.

Pic of the trophy we earned in InCTF'13

So what are you waiting for. Form a team and start working. earn the trophy + good cash prize + respect + knowledge + recognition.

Useful link-

Google groups

Feel free to comment.

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5 great apps to customize your Android home screen experience

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 05 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Of all the great features that come with Android, I think perhaps my favorite is endless customization. If you don't want to root the device to go deep into modifying, there's still so much you can do with just apps. For example, you can give yourself a fancy home screen.
I've gathered a small handful of my favorite home screen apps here, but nothing that requires root access. Rather, these are the sorts of apps you can install and play around with on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Come next weekend, you just might have a completely different-looking Android experience.

Nova Launcher Prime
There are a number of launcher applications that let users override the standard look and feel that comes with the phone's out-of-box experience, but Nova Launcher Prime ($4.00) is one of my favorites. Don't like the preset shortcuts across the bottom of your handset? Not a fan of the app drawer setup? You can change all that.

In a nutshell, Nova Launcher alters the way your phone behaves when tapping the Home button. Specifically, you can define how many panels you have, the number of icons that fit on the home screen, scrolling effects, and much more.

Among Nova Launcher Prime's options is selecting the grid size (number of rows and columns), placing a persistent Google Search bar, and tweaking margins. I love using the launcher's revolving door effect. It looks much cooler than a simple slide. Additionally, users can opt to remove icon labels, allow for widgets to overlap, and lock the desktop in place.

I also appreciate the way I can sort my app drawer, hide unused titles, and organize content into tabs. Other minor touches include infinite scrolling panels, custom grouping, menu transparency, and transitions. Suffice it to say, I'm constantly backing up and restoring fun layouts all the time.

A particularly fun, and easy, way to spice things up is to replace the icons representing apps and games. There are innumerable icon packs or themes that one can download to adjust the overall aesthetics. Some of the more popular ones I've encountered along the way are Tersus, Snack Pack, and MIUI 5. Again, hit up some forums or search Google Play and you'll find some rather inspiring stuff.

Nova Launcher Prime isn't the only option for those looking to customize the home screen; the free version is a great way to take advantage of most options and settings. At nearly 5 million installs, the free Nova Launcher is a popular and feature-rich home screen launcher. Others you may enjoy include Go Launcher EX, Apex Launcher, and ADW.Launcher.

Ultimate Custom (Clock) Widget (UCCW)
As the name implies, the free Ultimate Custom (Clock) Widget app lets users create custom widgets that can be placed on just about any home screen. Regardless of whether you're using a stock launcher or something more tailored, UCCW can enhance the look of your desktop. While it's possible to create your own clock, weather, or battery widget, UCCW can also be used for tweaking notifications, alarms, and other options.

Indeed, it might feel a bit daunting the first few times you try to design your own widget with all your choices for color, transparency, shapes, and fonts. I suggest looking around for templates and already-existing widgets being shared by the community. Poke around the Google Play Store and forums for UCCW UZIP files and go from there.

One of the features I appreciate most is the ability to mimic the feel of other smartphone experiences; it's a breeze to sample the HTC Sense 5 UI or Motoblur without much effort. Once you're feeling confident, try overlapping a couple of widgets (like time and weather) for a nice layered effect.

HD Widgets
If you're the type who prefers to dress up your existing home screen without heavy adjustments, I recommend checking out HD Widgets. As one of the more flexible $2.00 you can spend, this app provides endless widget layouts.

Regardless of whether you're looking to add a full-screen weather and combination widget or a simple app shortcut, HD Widgets does it in style. Users have myriad options to choose from, including text colors, fonts, background transparency, and layout.

The developer,, recently rolled out an entirely new subset of themed widgets that adds another 60 free templates to the mix. Centered around the aesthetic of Android Jelly Bean, the Colourform pack features Google's Roboto font and even more ways to jazz up the home screen.

SO.HO (SOHO Social Launcher)
If you like the idea of a Facebook Home experience, but aren't quite ready to go all-in, you might enjoy SO.HO., a free home launcher that provides a similar effect.

In addition to displaying Facebook status updates, this app also lets users pull in Twitter and Instagram feeds on the home screen. Indeed, one can Like, tweet, comment, and check-in without having to open the app individual apps. It's a neat way of delivering your social network feeds in one place and it gets better with each iteration.

Setup is painless and you can mix and match wich social media account to pull from. Things work best, however, for those who use all three.

DashClock Widget
Those of you running Android 4.2 may have encountered the ability to create widgets on the lock screen. As one of the more handy features in Jelly Bean, lock screen widgets provide at-a-glance information such as text messages, calendar appointments, and other notifications. The DashClock Widget app takes this to another level with a more customized and robust list of what you can see.

Among other bits of info, DashClock Widget provides users with current local weather, missed calls and unread messages, unread Gmail and/or priority e-mails, and your next calendar appointment. What I like most about this app is that it can deliver all of this on a single panel. Rather than swiping through various screens, DashClock Widget puts it all in one, easy-to-read spot.

Also worth noting is that the app is extensible, meaning it plays nice with other apps. Developers are able to take advantage of extensions that add relevant details to the lock screen. Two such apps that I've found to be helpful are DashClock Keep Extension and DashClock Battery Extension.

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Game Of The Week : Subway Surfers (KILOO Games)

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 04 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Download a new game for a new experience and for free!
What you have to do in this game, is to collect coins, prizes, buy new gadgets
and a police man will chase you.
Works Best on Tablets.

 Reviews, Ratings, Logos from Google Play

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