Culture Tuesday

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 24 Januari 2012 0 komentar
I got some culture in this lazy holiday - went to the theater. The Shin-Yeon Arts Hall, specifically. Chose a play at random, called "The Absurd Scandal".

That's a loose translation of the Korean title "기막힌 스캔들". That, in turn is a very liberal translation of the original title of this Marc Camoletti play "Pyjamas Pour Six", or even it's English title "Don't Dress for Dinner" (see also here). Despite growing up in and around theaters and drama folks, I have never heard if this play nor this playwright before. He apparently is famous for an earlier 1962 play called "Boeing Boeing" which ran for over 20 years, and to which this 1982 play is a sequel.

This section of Seoul has a bunch of small theaters, kind of a mini-arts district near Hyehwa Station on line 4. The play was a performed with just five actors and one set, however I noticed online that they rotate four cast members through each role, making a total cast of 20. The play ran about 1-1/2 hours, and kept the audience in stitches most of the time (it's a comedy). Even with my poor Korean, I was able to get about 1/3 of the language, and actually understood almost the entire story just from context and body language.

In a departure from the plays I've seen in America, the program or flyer didn't list the actors and actresses names (though they are listed on the website, and were also posted on a wall in the entrance hallway). Also, I noticed they spelled the author's name incorrectly ("Comoletti" instead of "Camoletti"), but at least they gave him credit. There was no intermission, I guess because this theater is so small there is no lobby. I made a rough count, and I'm guessing there is seating for 150 to 200 patrons.

This was a good experience, and reminded me a lot of seeing plays as a kid that my Dad was involved in as Technical Director or otherwise. I will definitely go back to this area and catch some more plays in the future.

Oh, and lots of good restaurants nearby.

Here's one which served spicy barbeque chicken, although I ordered a beef and seafood fried rice with cheese-filled-rice-cake "extra". Wow, it was great!

EDIT: This theater's seats were exceptionally comfortable, and looked like they were Duoback (a Korean name brand of office chair supposedly designed to be an ergonomic fit to the back). However, my back was KILLING me for about three days after this play. I can only attribute it to the fact that I was hunching down to avoid blocking the view of the fellow behind me, and also leaning to one side to see around the person in front of me.

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Humidity Wars

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 22 Januari 2012 0 komentar
It is that season again, time to begin my battle with the dry winter air. I've never used the heating in my home; somehow it absorbs heat, too much heat, from the neighboring homes. At least this is my theory. Consider today - it minus 7 degrees Centigrade outside, yet in my home it is nearly 27 degs!

I can't complain (too much) about this, but the dryness is another matter. Here you can see the indoor humidity is 33%, where I've read 40 to 60% is ideal. On occasion I've been able to get it just above 40. Today no such luck, despite both my humidifiers running full blast:

Looks like I'll be getting a third humidifier this season, or else my nose and throat are going to become fossilized.

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Protect internet

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

The PROTECT IP Act (Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act, or PIPA) is a proposed law with the stated goal of giving the US government and copyright holders additional tools to curb access to "rogue websites dedicated to infringing or counterfeit goods", especially those registered outside the U.S. The bill was introduced on May 12, 2011, by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and 11 bipartisan co-sponsors. TheCongressional Budget Office estimated that implementation of the bill would cost the federal government $47 million through 2016, to cover enforcement costs and the hiring and training of 22 new special agents and 26 support staff. The Senate Judiciary Committee passed the bill, but Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) placed a hold on it

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a United States bill proposed by U.S. Representative Lamar S. Smith (Republican) to expand the ability of U.S. law enforcement to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property andcounterfeit goods. Provisions include the requesting of court-orders to bar advertising networks and payment facilities from conducting business with infringing websites, and search engines from linking to the sites, and court orders requiring Internet service providers (ISP) to block access to the sites. The law would expand existing criminal laws to include streaming of copyright material, imposing a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

Can we allow it ??

--> YES or No. decide after reading the above info.

according to me :

It will affect us the user of internet only. Never bring extreme politics into internet fields.

The Internet went silent on Wednesday, and Washington noticed.

OK, not the whole Internet, but on Wednesday several of its biggest players -- Google, Wikipedia and Reddit, to name just a few -- took part in a protest over two bills designed to protect copyright holders from Internet piracy, particularly in instances in which the piracy takes place overseas. The bills, which are heavily backed by entertainment industry trade groups like the Motion Picture Association of America and the Recording Industry Association of America, would give copyright holders and prosecutors the ability to pursue international websites that steal content.

Since the Stop Online Piracy Act in the House and the Protect IP Act in the Senate were introduced last year, tech companies and many of their users have been complaining that the bills were too broad. The protests reached a peak on Wednesday, when several major sites, like Wikipedia and Reddit, shut down for 24 hours while others, like Google, blacked out portions of their home pages; most of those sites also offered links to sign petitions or email Congress to express their outrage over the proposals.

What the bills do:
The entertainment industry was looking for ammunition to go after international content thieves, and SOPA/PIPA would have given them a way to do it. Because direct enforcement is tough, even in countries with whom the United States has strong trade agreements, the bills would have focused on ad networks and payment facilitators -- credit card companies and others, like PayPal, that process payments for online goods -- preventing them from doing business with violators. The bills also would have forced search sites, like Google or Yahoo, to stop listing violators.
Who liked them:
The entertainment industry, mostly. Movie and music giants say they lose huge amounts of potential revenue because of the sale and distribution of pirated content. Pharmaceutical companies also supported the bills, as they could have helped stop the flow of bootleg drugs into the United States. And the bills had the enthusiastic support of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Who did not:
Pretty much the entire Internet. Opponents said the bills made it too easy to for content producers to bring legal action against domestic interests -- search sites or aggregators with user-submitted content -- even if the source of the pirated material was from another country. The management of sites that featured user-submitted content said they would be forced to closely monitor their submissions, a situation that would quickly become impossible for a large site like YouTube, which receives 48 hours worth of video every minute. Search sites said de-listing violators could force those companies to re-write the code that drives the searches, a change that could have far-reaching consequences for the basic operation of the Internet. Finally, the Internet companies continued to be concerned about being held liable should other enforcement actions fail. And the broader concerns? Those dealt with freedom of expression, halting development and potentially stunting business growth.
What's next:
It's hard to say whether SOPA/PIPA will be amended or scrapped in favor of new legislation, but even as the bill's authors announced they were being pulled on Friday, they said the efforts to protect intellectual property would continue.

As you read the above stuff now decide you want SOPA/PIPA ..
-information taken from wikipedia and few other website.
-Thanks for reading through the blog. Please follow the blog by singing in guys.

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What's this Cup Stuff?

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012 0 komentar
Coffee cups, that is. Or in my case, tea cups. I noticed my coffee pot labels indicate it holds 10 to 15 cups. I know they use a smaller than normal cup when defining the capacity, but I didn't get anywhere even close to 10 cups.

Finally I measured things, and here's the results. First of all, the pot fills up at 5-1/4 cups, or 42 fluid ounces. According to Wikipedia, the standard coffee cup unit of measure is 6 ounces. So that means only 7 "cups" in the pot. If we believe 10 to 15 cups per pot, thats only 4.2 or 2.8 oz per cup - mighty small if you ask me.

I measured the few coffee cups in my cupboard. I would say they are typical coffee cups, not huge or tiny. The measure between 8 and 10 ounces. This explains why I'm only getting FOUR cups from a 10 to 15 cup pot!

Interestingly, there isn't a universal standard for one cup. Again, according to Wiki, the cup varies all over the place. Extrapolating from common measures, it should be 236.59 grams. But US law declares a legal "cup" as 240 grams. Almost like the mythical story of Mississippi declaring pi to be 3.00. Leave the US, and definition of the "cup" is even more uncertain, if at all.

So grab a pint of beer, and let's toast the metric system. It's been around for more than one deca-score years, and can be easily mastered in one fortnight by even the slowest of students. Cheers!

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How to Disable Facebook Timeline

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 19 Januari 2012 0 komentar
Luckily, for the "Timeline" haters - Facebook does not support Internet explorer 7 and therefore displays the older layout to users with this web-browser. To get the hack working all a user needs to do is to fake his web-browser "User-agent" string to this non-supported browser, however using this hack introduces a new problem and page formatting errors with a big white gap appears on the page heading - once again to our luck a nifty browser addon "F.B Purity" for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari takes care of this with many added features, so all you need to do is to install this add-on and fake your "User-agent".

F.B Purity Download And Instructions: -

@@@ Follow us on Facebook and Google+ @@@

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Tips For Cell Phone Battery Life Span

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 15 Januari 2012 0 komentar
Have you ever traveled far and forgot to bring your cell phone battery charger? Must have been right. It is not desirable when needed for an affair but the phone cannot be used because the battery in an out-of-charge. On posting this time, I will try to give you a little tip to make Your phone battery last longer and are more durable. 

Tips to keep your mobile phone Battery Remain Durable and long. 
  • Turn off the phone. Maybe this is not the main option for some people, but it's good to do. If you do not have any events, or going to bed then just turn off your cell phone. This is the easiest way to battery cell phones become more durable and last a long time.
  • Turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is a feature of most resource consuming power cell phones, so just turn off if it is not used.
  • Turn off the vibration and keytone. Phone vibration functions are also quick to spend resources cell phone power, so just turn off. You also should not use keytones, because if activated too intrusive in I. You can also set up the ringtones with the volume low.
  • Do not use the flash / flash. Avoid using the flash on a camera phone. Blitz is very resource consuming battery, especially if you megambil images in large quantities at once.
  • Minimize the screen brightness. Mobile phones can also save battery power just like laptops.
  • Close the application. The application uses too much battery power, during an open application. If you do not use it, then just close the application.
  • Use it to phone only. Play games, watch videos, look at pictures, and use the internet will quickly spend your battery.
  • Do not look for a signal. Your phone will continue to look for signals in areas not tikda strong signal. Better to just turn off your cell phone if you are in an area like this or buy a signal amplifier in order to be able to signal where the signal is weak bagusdi.
  • Do not get dead. Do not charge battery before power on your cell phone was really going out.
  • Keep away from heat. Do not leave your phone on the spot with a temperature that is too hot for example, left in a closed car in hot weather. For a longer battery life you can buy a spare battery and keep it in the refrigerator (certainly not to freeze dong: D)

Something like that tips from I to keep your cell phone battery durable and long age.

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3 Best Task Killer Apps to Make Your Android Run Faster

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I think most of people will find that the mobile phone runs more and more slowly if they do not restart the phone. That's because when we using the mobile phone, some apps are still running in background of Android system even you have close them.If you want to play a large game, do you prefer to restart your mobile phone? Or, just like me, use an app killer to force close those apps? Well, today, I will introduce you 3 best task killer apps for your mobile phone.

Advanced Task Manager

Advanced Task Manager is basicly a task killer. It can list all the running tasks, and you can select some of them to kill. It is also a task manager tool to manage all the apps or running apps, you can long click on the task that you want to kill, and you will get a poped up menu with more options. 

ES Task Manager

The nice cleaner who insure that your Android system remains free of junk and has enough memory is referred to as Garbage Collector, and it’s good at its job. But if you’re the kind of person who likes to get your hands dirty every once in a while then a task manager might be just the ticket for you. ES Task Manager provides you with several functions which might come in handy for your cleaning endeavors. If you use it with ES File Explorer can be better, you can find it in Top 5 Free File Manager Apps for Android.

Advanced Task Killer

*Uninstall and reinstall can fix Force Close issue*
*Uncheck 'Advanced Task Killer' from running list to avoid ANR issue*
*Go to menu and send bug report to us if you have any issues*
Advanced Task Killer is also known as ATK. It is a tool to kill applications running.
-Ignore List
-One tap widget
-Auto kill
-Customize item height
ATK is often used to kill app and clean memory. We do suggest people use ATK manually kill apps instead of auto killing app.

With one of those apps, you can close all the process with one click to release more memory for some large apps run.  

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Android Ice Cream Sandwich ROM leaked for Xperia Play

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 10 Januari 2012 0 komentar
When we paying close attention to the various of mobilephones with different OS from 2012 CES, the developer from XDA-developers brought an Android Ice Cream Sandwich ROM fro Xperia Player. We are told this ROM is leaked from official and also had made some changes by the developer.

Though it's a leaked ROM, there are still LOTS OF THINGS DONT WORK according to the developer introduced. A common ported ROM's problem is that camera can not work, so is this ROM. And stock Launcher doesn't allow to add widgets. I think this ROM is not leaked from official, maybe from another developer. And I believe the specific games can not run also. Whatever, let's enjoy the operation video in below. If you are interested in this ROM, you can do to XDA-developers. And I will also keep update the newest ROM information for you guys.

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Yahoo Messenger for Android

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 08 Januari 2012 0 komentar
Yahoo Messenger or often times in a short IM instant messenger program is very popularin developed by Yahoo, Yahoo Messenger Yahoo slowly developed by following the userdesires, so now not only Yahoo Messenger can be used or applied in a computer, butalready capable of running on the mobile phone via IM applications that are installed onthe mobile phone.

Yahoo Messenger To Android Yahoo Messenger To Android even arrival android OS isin large sieve-sieve would be the best mobile OS is also being trialled by thekembangkannya yahoo with Yahoo Messenger For Android, it means yahoo aware that Yahoo Messenger for Android will menberikan convenience for users of Android when itwants to send short messages via IM, Yahoo Messenger but it will also make it easier forAndroid users when they want to do the activity android semsial Share Photos & Videos, etc..

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7 Best Free Android Games 2012

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Android in 2012 predicted the more popular and will become the market leader Smartphone operating system. The gadget user adroid getting pampered with a variety of exciting games to spend leisure time.

Angry Birds is still one of the Best Free Android games are most preferred. Angry Birds merchandise purchased a growing number of people is a sign of Angry Birds entered in the Best Free Games Android users who preferred the Android gadgets. The theme of Angry Birds destroy greedy pigs who try to steal eggs Angry Birds in various levels of the battlefield requires logic, skill, and appropriate steps to win every level of the exciting game of all levels androiders highly preferred.

Jumping Monkey entered in one of the best free Android games are most preferred. The andoriders gave five stars in the review of the Jumping Monkey with various comments asiknya this game. Jumping Monkey monkey who plays jump around from one balloon into another balloon higher and higher gain figures. Birds that hover a variation called Jumping Monkey to get extra bonuses.

Car Speed ​​games included in one of the best free Android Androiders most preferred. 3D design create a very attractive appearance plus a variety of short-cut like the tilt-tilt control gadgets to control the direction of the car, knocked up and down the screen to control the speed of the Speed ​​Car makes more easy to use and fun and games included in The Best Free Android.

Drag Racing also entered in one of the best games for free Android Androiders most preferred. Android Market gives reviews Drag Racing as the most addictive racing game that entered the ranks of the Best Free Android games. There are 50 + cars can be selected by setting the engine tune up and can be played in real time with other players.

Cat vs Dog also entered in one of the Best Free Games Android Androiders most preferred. Cat vs Dog is a game console where the two characters,
dogs and cats, they will face each other in battle throw it to each other. These games, fun and suitable play with your friends or your child. You must set the power to throw by taking into account wind power makes this game exciting and suitable for all Androiders.

Cross Fire also entered in one of the best free Android games are the most preferred Androiders. Cross Fire is a free shooting game is very similar to Counter Strike. In this game, players join the battle of counter-terrorism in several different scenarios. In each scenario, you have to pick up your weapons, and a brief reading assignment carefully, try to complete all tasks.

This is the most popular ball game in Android and prodded into the category of one of the best free Android games are the most preferred Androiders. 3D Ball Animation, Touch Control, a game ball 8 and ball 9 and can be played against each other makes this game so exciting. Measure carefully and put the ball in the hole. Prove you are good at this game.

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5 Top Rated Free File Managers for Android Phones and Tablets

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I believe that so many people will so upset to android phone's file manage issue because Android never provide this practical function. We can't delete, move, replace, find any files on SD card without a computer. As a smart and open source system, we really need to let it become more convenient for our life.Well, today, I will introduce you 5 top rated free file manager apps to make you phones become much powerful.

5: OI File Manager

OI File Manager allows you to browse your SD card, create directories, rename, copy, move, and delete files. It also acts as an extension to other applications to display "Open" and "Save" dialogs.

Show list of files with thumbnails for images.
Move, copy, rename, and delete files.
Create and delete directories (folders).
Send files by email.
Acts as an extension to other applications, like GMail, to attach files.
Support for many file endings and mime types.
Supports PICK_FILE and PICK_DIRECTORY intents so that other applications can use OI File Manager. 

4: File Manager

Key features:
3 sets of commercial icons for 60+ different file types, toolbar and menu items
Multiple resolution support
Cut, copy, paste and cancellable progress dialog
List and grid view for file browsing
Compress and decompress support
Search and share files
Multiple selection and sorting support
Support both local and remote(LAN/SMB) file systems
Play streaming media from LAN without download
Thumbnail for photo, pictures and apk files
Support file shortcut on Home screen for easily access
Root Explorer for rooted devices
Built-in text editor, image gallery and swf player
3: ASTRO File Manager

It's like Windows Explorer or Mac’s Finder for your phone or tablet and allows you to easily browse and organize all of your pictures, music, videos and documents. It also gives you the ability to stop processes that burn battery life and backup your apps in case you lose or change phones.

Features include: file management, android file browser, file and/or app backup, image and text viewers, networking, Bluetooth, SFTP, Zip/ Tar, downloader, thumbnails, search files, application manager, task manager, attachments and more…

2: File Expert

Powerful File Manager/WIFI File Transfer Web & FTP/App Manager - ALL in ONE
File Expert is an ultimate app for managing your files and other resources which stored on your Android phone and tablets. Files can be stored on local SD card, local WiFi network, or cloud storage servers like Dropbox,, etc. Designed for both advanced and entry level users.


All basic file operations
Root access to system folders and files like Root Explorer. Remount /system to read write. Requires rooted phone
Cloud Storage
SMB, FTP, SFTP, FTPS, WebDAV and Bluetooth OBEX Client
Bluetooth - Full-featured Bluetooth capabilities include OBEX FTP, OPP
NFC Support. You can use NFC-enabled phone to transfer files and apps.
WiFi Send. Directly send files via WiFi between File Expert powered phones
App Manager - Uninstall/Backup apps. Support silent operations if on rooted devices
Archive manager - Create and decompress ZIP archive, Decompress RAR.
Thumbnails - supports jpg/png/mp3/mp4/3gp thumbnails
Text Viewer
Image Viewer - supports both local and remote folder
Search SD card, perform operations on search results
File Picker - Let FE to help you anywhere you want
1: ES File Explorer

ES File Explorer for Android is a free, featured all-in-one file manager & application manager & task killer & dropbox client & ftp client which explores your phone and your computer. It allows android users anywhere in the world to manage their resources for free, it makes easy to manage, stay connected using your 3G, EDGE or WiFi, and share with friends, upload photos, watch videos.


File Manager -- Operate filesin the phone and computers
Multiselect files
Application manager -- Manage apps(Install, Uninstall, Backup, Shortcuts, Category)
Compress and Decompress ZIP files, Unpack RAR files, can create encrypted (AES 256 bit) ZIP files
View Different file formats, photos, docs, videos anywhere, support third party applications such as Document To Go to open document files
Thumbnails for APK,images, and with an inbuilt image browser
Text viewers and editors
Search files
Access your Home PC, via WIFI with SMB
FTP, it's your FTP client, manage the files on the FTP server as the ones on the sd card
Dropbox,,Sugarsync, it's an enhanced cloud storage client other than the official version.
Bluetooth file transfer tool.It supports OBEX FTP for browsing devices and transfering files between Bluetooth devices.
Root explorer feature. It is the ultimate file management tools for root users.
Developers can visit our website for the developer interface for picking files from your applications, email attachments, etc.

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Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012 0 komentar

operating system -   Linux
type -    filter 
license - GNU general public license  

How to convert your Linux box into firewall ?

what are Iptables ?
- Iptables is used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of Ipv4 packet filtering rules in the Linux kernel. Several different tables may be defined. Each table contains number of built-in chains and may also contain user defined chains.

Basically Linux firewall is called Iptables

OK know you have a doubt what are chains  
-Each chain is a set of rules which can match a set of packets.

-Each rule specifies what to do with a packet that falls into our rule list.  

Those packets are called the 'target',

Features of Iptables 

1. Filtering - blocking unwanted traffic). You can filter incoming and outgoing traffic by user, group, time/date, or service (application).

2. NAT (Routing) - If your computer has two or more network cards (or if you are using virtualization ) you can use a spare computer as a router, one network card connected to the Internet and the other to your LAN with iptables monitoring and filtering traffic.

3.  Logging (monitoring) network traffic.

if you are interested check Wikipedia - Comparison of firewalls ..

Your firewall, Iptables, is configured either from the command line (usually with a script) or a configuration tool ( UFW, GUFW, Firestarter, guard dog, Shorewall, etc). Unfortunately many of the graphical configuration tools do not offer all the available options, let alone explain the options (Guard dog is an exception to this generalization).

Configuring iptables requires at least a basic understanding of network protocols, that is one must know a little about networking protocols, servers, and ports to grasp iptables. So that you can build a strong firewall !!

Believe me friends working with Iptables is real fun! Its my own experience !
even you people will experience it !

If you simply wish to maintain a blacklist you can look at tools such as denyhosts and fail2ban. There is also a GUI tool "iplist".

                How to iplist  --> thanks uljanow

You should know the basics of networking concept to build a strong firewall.

 Like knowing TCP, UDP, ICMP protocols and about services ( /etc/services ).

Check out links for networking basic concepts !

You can see all services in your linux machine by

                                                      gedit /etc/services                                                          

Obviously the list be very long, so use the knowledge of Linux cmd "grep to see about a particular port

                                                    grep telnet /etc/services                

And use the scanning tool to grasp whatever information you want.

Tool -
           Nmap, Shields up
           netstat, lsof (scanning local machine)

Shields Up is a web based scanner you may use to scan for open ports. One common source of confusion, if you have a router you will be scanning your router and not your computer(s) behind the router.

Now we are done with the prerequisite. Now lets roll to the the main topic !!

Anatomy of iptables

 Iptables is nothing more then a set of rules for processing network packets coming and going to and from your computer (firewall). These rules are organized into tables and chains. A packets fate is determined by following the rules, one at a time, like links in a chain.

note this guys : tables are named in small letters and all the chains are in CAPS

Filter : As the word specifies, it filters packets.

Nat - Network allocation table :  Network Allocation Table : Think router or forwarding packets to other machines.

Mangle - Alteration off quality of service bits in the TCP header.

Raw - This table is used less frequently then Mangle is to allow exception to       iptables.

Chains :

filter : Used to filter or block packets 

   FORWARD -  Filters packets accessible by another NIC on the firewall (ie packets moving from eth0 [Internet] to eth1 [LAN].

   INPUT -  Filters inbound traffic (packets going to the firewall).

   OUTPUT - Filters outbound traffic (packets leaving the firewall).

nat (network Allocation Table):

    PREROUTING - Inbound packets to be routed (via NAT) to your clients.
  Output - Outbound packets for your firewall.

  POSTROUTING - Outbound packets routed from pther computers.

In addition to these default chains we can even use custom, or user defined chain :-)

Actions : What to do if a packet is matched in any of the rules ?

 If a packet matches a rule, the action is called a target.

  NOTE: Actions are specified with the -j flag, i.e -j ACTION

  ACCEPT - The packet is approved, or accepted.

  REJECT - the packet is blocked, and an error message is returned.

  DROP - The packet is blocked, no error message is returned.
  LOG - The packet is logged. After a packet is logged processing continues along the chain.

  JUMP - Just to "jump" to another chain.

In addition to the defaults you may direct iptables to another (user defined) chain.

Using iptables for Filtering 

It is very important to understand that the order of your rule is very critical. Iptables starts as usual from the top of the chain, with the rule of more priority i.e the !st rule, and proceeds down the chain until the first instance of DROP, REJECT, ACCEPT.

 The basic syntax is 

        iptables -option [Chain] [Rule] -j [Target]                  

the term 'Target' is the action to be taken if there is any match to the rule specified by us, for example say Accept, Reject, Drop or send the packet to another, possibly user defined chain.


-P [chain] sets default Policy (target or action) for the packet if no rule in a chain is macthed.

 iptables -P INPUT DROP # Will drop (block) all incoming packets. 

Note: the above policy will immediately terminate your telnet or ssh session if you have not allowed ssh connections in your INPUT chain. Very bad if you are managing your server remotely and do not have physical access.

Note: SSH is more preferred more telnet because the security in SSH i.e the data is encrypted so to some extent SSH is secure compared to telnet. 

Want to know more about encryption, guys just Google it out !

-A [chain] Appends a rule to the bottom, or end of the specified chain.
              Least preferred ..

-I [chain] Inserts a rule into chain (you specified the location). If no position is specified the default is #1 (first rule).

iptables -I INPUT 3 [RULE] # Will insert the [RULE] at the second position of the INPUT chain .    

See here the rank is specified as 3.

-D [chain] deletes a rule that matches its argument.

the rule may be specified with the number in the chain or rule itself would do the same.

iptables -D INPUT 2 # Will delete the second rule in the INPUT chain.       

iptables -D INPUT [RULE] # Will delete the [RULE] from the input chain.       

-F [chain] flushes (removes or deletes a rule that matches its argument.

By default, in no arguments are given, this will flush the chains in the filter table.
You may specify a table and/or chain.

iptables -F INPUT # Clears the INPUT chain in the filter table.  

iptables -t nat -F PREROUTING # Clears the PREROUTING table in the nat table.       

iptables -F # Clears all the chains in the filter table (INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD).

iptables -t nat -F # Clears all the chains in the nat table.     

-L [chains] a New, user defined chain (blasklist for example).

By default this will list the chains in the filter table. You may specify a table with -t ( -t nat ).

-N creates a New, user defined chain (blacklist for example).

                    iptables -N blacklist                    

-X delets a user defined chain.

                    iptables -X blacklist                    

Before a chain must be deleted, it must be empty (contains no rules). To remove the rules from a table, make use of the option "-F" to flust out all the rules.


 -j specifies target (action) default targets are LOG, ACCEPT, DROP and REJECT. You may also send processing of a packet to another chain.

iptables INPUT -j DROP # it will drop all the packets.
iptables INPUT -j blacklist # Will process the packets according to the blacklist chain(user defined).


Some rules can be changed reversed with a '!'
Will take the reverse of what the rules tells.h

ipatbles -A INPUT -p tcp ! --dport 22 -j DROP # Will not drop any tcp packet to  destination port 22

-p specifies he ip protocol (tcp, udp and icmp)

iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j DROP # Block ping 

-s specifies the source ip address (where the packet was sent from).

iptables -A INPUT -s 117.5 2.12.23 -j DROP # drop all the packets from

iptables -A blacklist -s 117.5 2.12.23 -j DROP # drop all the packets from using a user defined chain, "blacklist"

iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 22 -j  DROP # drop all the packets for ssh( port 22 ) from outside the LAN.

-d specifies the source ip address (where the packet are sent to).

iptables -A INPUT -s 117.5 2.12.23 -j DROP # drop all the packets to

NOTE: source and destination IP address can be IP address, or with a netmask, or with a host name. But guys prevent using host names because it should query the DNS to resolve the host name, which will slow the process and DNS can be spoofed.

tcp options ( to be used with -p tcp )

 --sport specifies source port number or range 

if using a range, the syntax is LOW:HIGH
LOW:  the port specified + the ports higher than the specified port

:HIGH = the port specified and below it.

 --dport specifies the destination port, similar fromat to --sport above.

- -tcp-flags

Ah ! --tcp-flag will be 1 elaborate topic and bit complex and requires an understanding of the tcp protocol and the headrers.

Ex : the following are the examples which has the same effect over the packets :

iptables -A INPUT --p tcp --syn --dport 22 -j ACCEPT # short version 

iptables -A INPUT --p tcp --tcp-flag SYN, ACK, RST SYN --syn --dport 22 -j ACCEPT # LONG version 

Meaning for the above rule is "" Matches all incoming packets with SYN flag set, but the ACK and RST flags must be cleared as well.

Multiple tcp flags can be set on a packet.

The options "--tcp-flag" takes two arguments. The above command (long format) matches when its second flagged, and the rest of the flags specified in its first arguments are cleared.

note: using "ALL" as an argument is the same as using "SYN, ACK, RST, PSH, URG, FIN"

If you do not specify flags when using --tcp-flags, any SYN packet and SYN-ACK packet s accepted.

next comes the 

udp options( to be used with -p udp)

  --sport specifies source port number or range

  --dport specifies the destination port, similar fromat to --sport above.

icmp options( to be used with -p ICMP)

 --icmp-type this option specifies the icp type of the packet to be matched.

Use iptables -p --help to list the various options here (without arguments with default to all, which is what most of us want).



Happy h4ck1ng


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Beef Butt

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Made a quick Costco trip yesterday, as always ignoring my number one Costco rule: Never ever go on a weekend! Bought a pack of the cheapest beef I could find (I'll be boiling it in soups or stews).

When I got home, I tried to translate the name. My dictionary said It was stupid or foolish! I finally found an excellent description of Korean beef cuts on the Seoul Eats blog.

According to this, I have the beef butt. A rump roast or round roast. I suppose this might refer to a fool...

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Overview of the Android operating system

Posted by Unknown Senin, 02 Januari 2012 0 komentar
Android is one of the operating system that is intended for smart phones and other mobile devices that are booming in Indonesia or maybe in the world today, in the beginning of android is a project belonging to the company called android Inc. that in [...] July 2000 the company was acquired by corporate giants Google with the aim of penetrated the market of mobile phones and mobile devices. Then to develop Android, an Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 34 companies for hardware, software, and telecommunications, including Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, and Nvidia.

This operating system based on linux kernel and is open source the menjadikanya attraction, due to its open source then the application developers are welcome to develop applications for this platform and can put it up andorid or sell it in the android market a special android application or portal portal-portal site which surely andorid application can provide advantages for application developers.

andorid has several versions until now still continues to change and update in order to support the functions of the smartphone and the andorid itself. There are unique in the naming of the version in the versions use the andorid because naming dessert dish name sorted alphabetically, but the google gives no reason why they named their version of andorid with desserts, below are some of the android version:

andorid version 1.1

was first released on andorid March 9, 2009

andorid version 1.5 (cupcake)

in mid May 2009 google merisis "cupcake" or andorid version 1.5 with some improvements and the addition of features such as, the ability to watch and see the video in the camera mode, menungah pictures to picasa and videos to youtube directly from your phone, Bluetooth A2DP support and some other enhancements ...

andorid version 1.6 (donut)

released in September 2009 with improvements to the search function, the ability to dial a contact and the addition of text to change the text-to-speech feature

andorid version 2.0\/2.1 (éclair)

released on December 3, 2009, dilakukkan changes on this version is optimized for hardware, upgrading google maps 3.1.2, support flash for the camera 3.2 MPdan digital zoom function.

andorid version 2.2 (froyo\/frozen yogurt)

dilakukkan changes in this version is support for adobe flash 10.1, the speed performance of up to 5 times the ipat, wireless hotspots, wifi capability and the ability to auto update in the app market, andorid andorid version was released on May 20, 2009

andorid version 2.3 (gingerbread)

on the 6th desemer 2010 released andorid gingerbread or andori version 2.3, in this version is the ability of gamming and copy-paste enhanced, redesigned user interface and supports a number of cameras that are more than one ...

andorid version 3.0 (honeycomb)

is the designation for version andorid tablet device, this is a defensive feature of the google version, full-screen ebook for google talk, youtube feature designed specially for honeycomb.

rapid development of this operating system is on the rise, making pemakaianya data obtained from ComScore November 2010 show that android users in the United States was ranked second with a total of 12.2% user, thereby, android has managed to beat its predecessor i.e. apple with i OS or better known as the i phone

Besides other facts are cited from statistical data, where such data Schmidt says that YouTube-35 hours of video uploaded every minute, 2 billion views per day and Chrome-6 x faster than traditional browsers and has digunakan120 million active users, where the chrome and youtube is owned by google, and in terms of application support in Android Market itself as it turns out there are 150,000 applications and growing.

Defensive feature of android

Andorid has some defensive feature which makes it a popular among smartphone users, among them are:

1. Opensource: which led him to evolve with the rapidly

2. full support from google: so that it can enjoy all the facilities of google like gmail, google talk, youtube and others

3. Safe: because linux kernel-based which makes it resistant to virus attacks

4. connectivity: connection feature complete with Bluetooth, wifi, GPS, etc

5. ease of downloading application: users can easily obtain the desired portal application in the android market.

6. Multitasking: andorid capable of running multiple applications simultaneously, unlike the i phone the difficulty in this case

7. Cheap: because google is working with many vendors of mobile phones andorid based then relatively cheaper compared to other smartphones.

Android flaw

Although the android has a myriad of benefits, but also has some problems andorid and weaknesses, including:

1. Wastes internet: android phone should always be connected to the internet because there are some applications that have to be online so that causes costs continue internet connection on your mobile phone you bloated.

2. Advertising: as provided in general applications are free, then there is often a advertisements that are listed when you use the application and it's quite annoying.


It has a great potential for the development of kedepanya, which rapidly also supported by some developers as well as the facts show that the use of mobile phones andorid-based which is on the rise. Besides fever tablet PC caused the emergence of the i-pad makes apple competitors like Samsung company making a product to rival the ipad tablet, Samsung galaxy tab that used to have the operating system android 2.2\/3.0, it shows that android could be developed on a tablet PC is not only in class smart phone only, but some disadvantages such as borosnya use of the internet make use of andorid in Indonesia cannot be optimized because the internet connection in Indonesia is still lacking support in some areas , besides the cost of internet connections in Indonesia is still relatively expensive for some.

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